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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Full Circle has been made available in hardback print form on  It is a little pricey at over $24.00, but this is as much as Lulu will let us discount a hardback. 
Watch for Lulu's additional sales.  They usually run one at least once a month
This is the sequel to Broken Road--the sequel that was never supposed to be written.  But the characters had other ideas and became so persistent, it was either right a sequel or never get a good night's sleep again.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Latest review of Broken Road on Goodreads....sigh

"I immediately felt close to the wonderful characters and could barely put the book down. Each character is strong with great personalities and lots of integrity. The ending came way to soon and quite a surprise to me. I cannot wait to read the sequel and reconnect to Cole's life and Caleb's recovery. Because " Love always trusts and always hopes and always endures "

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Sequel I Swore I Wouldn't Write....

I can't quite believe it, but my second novel is finished.  It seems like the process for this one went so much more quickly than the first, and that scares me a little.  Like maybe I shouldn't have let it go so soon.  My husband has a Master's in Writing and he said the writing on the second novel was much cleaner than the first.  But it still feels very daring to have sent this one on its eBook way less than 18 months after starting it.

The title is Full Circle; it's the sequel to Broken Road.  Broken Road can be found on for the print version and for the eBook.  Full Circle is only on in eBook at the moment, but will soon be on for print.

I love the characters in these stories so much.  I believe they will speak to readers for a variety of reasons.  I hope you will give them a chance.