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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Back Where...I Belong?

     Okay…so I got really down about the struggles of being a self-published author a few weeks ago and stopped editing the sequel to Broken Road—just figured, what’s the point?  Since we had already told one of our first readers that she could have a draft over Spring Break, Mike printed off a copy and gave it to her. But I was done. Yeah, the characters were still talking to me from time to time, but so what?  It’s a hellavalotta work and just results in an uphill struggle that can break your freaking heart.
     But I have found myself unable to stay away.  I know the characters are not real people, but it seems unfair to leave their lives in limbo.  Little by little, the editing has resumed.  I don’t mean to sound flip, but I completely understand why writing leads to mass consumption of spirituous liquids.  If I imbibed, these two novels would have done me in by now.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

For sale...

I have several copies of Broken Road in hardback and paperback that are pre our last revision.  The cost of these are several dollars less than if you order from Lulu or Amazon.  If you are interested in purchasing a copy, please email me at:

Monday, March 5, 2012

I'm trying, I'm trying....

I spent 5.5 hours today working on revisions for Full Circle.  Mike has let me know that a couple of advance-copy readers (and believe me, we LOVE our brave readers who will slog through the first draft of a novel) would like to have a copy of Full Circle to read during Spring Break; that's less than two weeks from now.
My eyes are not as young as they used to be and staring at a computer screen for so long is not vision-friendly.
But, I'll do my durndest!